Social Networking - Integrating People Engineering Applications

Thursday, July 30, 2009

As you may know, WorldAPP is the originator of IDEAS - Integrated Data Engineering Applications.

But maybe there is room out there for another company to focus on IPEAS 0r Integrated People Engineering Applications?

Sure, it is not nearly as sexy an acronym, but social networking is certainly now the new red hot space. Yesterday over lunch, one of our business analysts was proclaiming how he had just succumbed and become a "Twitter" the previous night. His friend had finally managed to explain to him the value of looking at himself as a "product" and using Twitter to keep those who might be interested in him as a "product" up-to-date – all this in easy-to-digest 140 character bites of information.

Certainly, here at WorldAPP, we are both aware and excited that companies will soon be asking us to integrate relevant information from Linked In, Facebook and other data repositories into their next IDEA.

Data is data after all and it is the quality and value of data, not the database or structure that houses it, that truly matters from a business efficiencies perspective.

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